Counselling Support in GESS
The counselling service is a part of the student development functions in Gan Eng Seng School (GESS) to provide counselling support to students who are facing emotional and behavioural difficulties. This service is available to referral and walk-in students who wish to seek help or guidance on social and emotional issues that are affecting their learning growth and development.
Counselling is not a disciplinary function. It is a collaborative process in which the School Counsellor applies specific interventions to help students to develop life skills to deepen their life perspective; to expand their repertoire of coping resources. The process enables them to make helpful choices for positive change in themselves, the situation and the environment, without destructive consequences to self or others so that their total development would not be impeded.
All counselling processes and documentation are managed with strict compliance to the guidelines stipulated in the Ethical Standards for School Counsellors in Singapore.
Counselling support at GESS also facilitates referral, with consent from parents, to external agencies, such as the REACH, for students who require focused intervention and to Family Service Centres (FSC) for family-related difficulties and intervention.
At GESS, we endeavour to strengthen a tripartite collaborative partnership encompassing school, parents and external agencies for the best learning growth and development of our students in our GESSian community.
If you wish to find out more, do scan the following QR code: