National Education
To nurture Gessians into active citizens with love for Singapore and serve with a heart for others.
About us
The National Education committee provides Gessians with valuable experiences to explore what it means to be a Singaporean, in the hopes of fostering a strong sense of belonging and contribution towards Singapore’s future.
We adopt the 3P (People, Places, exPeriences) approach when planning the key events. This approach guides us on how to enrich our students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to understand Singapore and strengthen their rootedness to Singapore. These events will allow students to meet and interact with different people from all walks of life and our partners and visit different places to learn and gain new experiences.
The photographs below depict some of our key events

Sec 2 Learning Journey to the National Museum of Singapore

Commemoration of Racial Harmony Day

National Day Celebration

Creation of the ‘Good Deed Card’, an initiative for gessians to express gratitude to others by completing 21 good deeds for others

Morning assembly sharing by our students
We invite our students to host morning assembly sharing sessions with the school. An example can be seen here.